I don’t really have a favorite fall activity. I know sad, but true. I just like being outside on nice days when it is warm enough to not have to wear a jacket, and not too hot that I am sweating.
Do you follow a football team? If so, which one and why?
I am not a football follower. I spend the beginnings of fall watching the baseball playoffs, and then the World Series. It is really the only sport that I watch faithfully, until the Tigers get kicked out then my season is over.
What is something fun about fall in your area?
Someone I used to work with turned me onto Trunk-or-Treat. If you don’t know what Trunk-or-Treat is, it is when cars back up into a large circle open their decorated trunks up and give out candy to kids in a safe environment. The fun for the car owners is that the trick-or-treaters vote on their favorite decorated trunk. I started going to a former co-workers church trunk-or-treat and now go to a local trunk-or-treat at my church/school put on by the PTA.
What are your favorite fall staple outfits?
My staple outfits is basically the same all year round, yoga pants and either a long-sleeve or short-sleeve t-shirt. Of course in the summer I switch to capris or shorts, but always cotton. Soon I will be busting out the yoga pants. (I just ordered 5 more pairs from Old Navy.)
What things are you looking forward to most about this coming fall season?
S is really getting to a fun age, so of course Halloween. We do quite a few trick-or-treating’s. We do trunk-or-treat at a local church, business trick-or-treating for little ones uptown, and the favorite, Halloween night trick-or-treating. The trick is by Halloween night S is so tired of trick-or-treating that we don’t have to go out for long. I think S is going to have fun going to the orchards and picking apples. The last time we did this was when he was a baby. The past few years we have just gotten apples from a local orchard already picked.
What is your favorite fall holiday? Tradition?
I really don’t have a favorite holiday in the fall. I like Halloween, and Thanksgiving, but they don’t really do anything for me. I love Christmas, but not actual Christmas. I like the lead up to it of decorating the house, Christmas lights, cookies, and holiday TV shows.
I love decorating for all of these holidays! I can’t wait!
I agree. I just cut out a bunch of leaves using my Cricut to hang leaves all over the house.
We don’t have fall here in my country, so I don’t have any chance to experience any Fall activities.
hope you can visit my Social Sunday
What country are you from? I think fall activities are more prevalent in the north part of the US, because our seasons change. Thanks for visiting!