The UNREAL Candy
I was selected from Mom’s Ambassador to try the new UNREAL Candy with my mom friends. I decided the perfect place to take this would be on our annual family vacation, since there would be moms, dads, kids and grandparents. This would provide a great sampling group.
UNREAL candy was the idea of a young boy who asked the simple question, “Why do the foods we love the most have to be so bad for us?” So, he set out to reinvent America’s favorite candy with no artificial ingredients, no corn syrup, no GMOs, no hydrogenated oils or preservatives, and less sugar. Instead UNREAL, uses 100% real ingredients like real milk chocolate, cane sugar, caramel, and peanut butter. The mission of this little company is to prove that the junk that’s in our food doesn’t need to be there for it to taste just as good and be sold in the same places for about the same price. So, if you like Snickers, Reese’s, M&M’s, Peanut M&M’s, or Milky Way, discover the UNREAL taste of candy made from all real stuff.
I got an email saying that I was selected to try the UNREAL candy and to print the coupons off of my computer and take them to Target to purchase. For this selection, since no one in my family is allergic to peanuts I went with Peanut butter cups and Peanut M&Ms. I had no problem getting the candy and checking out. Let the excitement start!
The Double One, Peanut Butter Cups-6.3 oz. ($3.99)-We tasted the peanut butter cups and they did not taste like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. An overall consensus was that the peanut butter did not have the same creamy texture, and the chocolate was really thick on the top and bottom of the cup. They tasted okay, but most agreed they tasted like a generic peanut butter cup.
- The Double One
- Nutritional Facts
- Shelf Pic with Price
- Back of Package
The Nutty Ones, Candy Coated Chocolate Peanuts-10.7 oz., 12 cups($4.39)-When tasting the candy coated chocolate covered peanuts everyone agreed they tasted just like the name brand Peanut M&M’s. The colors were off and not the vibrant colors most are used too. Since they were all natural dyes it would explain why the red was more of a deep pink, the green was a dull grass color, the yellow was pretty close, as was the brown, but the blue was a cobalt color and not even close to a royal blue. If you closed your eyes and did not see the color, I don’t think you could tell the difference between the Peanut M&M’s and the UNREAL candy.
- The Nutty Ones
- Nutritional Facts
- Shelf Pic with Price
- Back of Package
- Candy Coated Chocolate Peanuts
When I got home from our mini-vacation there were many emails saying that many people were having trouble redeeming there printed coupons. Due to this they were going to send out paper coupons. I contacted Mom’s Ambassador and let them know I had already redeemed my printed copies. I was surprised when I got the mail one day and found two coupons for another two free bags of UNREAL candy. For this selection I went with Milky Ways, since they are my all-time favorite candy bar, and regular M&M’s. I decided to share these bags with my neighbors. Of course, there children were only too happy to test the candy for me.
The Smooth One, Chocolate Caramel Nougat Bars-7.8 oz. 10 bars ($3.33 Sale price, Reg. $4.39)-This did not taste anything like a Milky Way. The chocolate on the outside of the candy bar was very thick and was hard to break. The caramel was not a gooey or tasteful as Milky Way caramel. The nougat had no flavor. This is my favorite part of the bar and I could not taste anything, let alone barely find any nougat.
- The Smooth One
- Nutritional Facts
- Shelf Pic with Price
- Outside of The Smooth One
- Inside of The Smooth One
The Gimme Ones, Candy Coated Chocolates-10.7 oz. ($3.33 Sale price, Reg. $4.39)-When trying the candy coated chocolates the chocolate was noticeably not the same tasting as a plain M&M. I am not sure if it was the candy coating or the only thing in this candy is chocolate. Everyone felt these candies tasted like a generic chocolate and did not leave a good aftertaste in your mouth. The colors were off and not the vibrant colors most are used too. Since they were all natural dyes it would explain why the red was more of a deep pink, the green was a dull grass color, the yellow was pretty close, as was the brown, but the blue was a cobalt color and not even close to a royal blue.
- The Gimme Ones
- Shelf Pic with Price
- Candy Coated Chocolates
I really wanted to like all of the candies because I know that they are better for you and do not have artificial additives. Almost all of them were just as high in Fat and Calories as the name brand candies. I do not think I would try any of these again except for the Peanut M&M’s. They really were quite good and I did enjoy eating them. The others I made sure anything that was left over went home with others who liked it more than me.
Disclosure: I was selected to sample and review The UNREAL Candy by Mom’s Ambassador. All thoughts and opinions are all my own (and those of my family members who helped me sample the candy).