Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

This week is a crazy busy week. It’s Tuesday night and I am now finally getting a chance to write this. With S’s birthday being at the end of last week a bunch of stuff that needed to get done got pushed aside. So Manic Monday is really on Tuesday this week and it is going to be a manic week.

Weekly Goals-Getting the photo book done for my mom and B’s mom for Christmas. I have done a book every year since S was born and it is always a rush because I don’t do it until after his birthday on the 11th.

Monday-S has school in the morning. I am getting S’s 5 year pics and P’s 7 month pics done as soon as I pick S up from school. I think we are going to attempt to go to the Lights Before Christmas at the zoo because it is going to be in the 50’s.

Tuesday-S has his 5 year check-up at the doctor’s and I have an appointment with my hand surgeon to talk about having carpal tunnel surgery on my left hand. (I had my right hand done two years ago.) B is working late so it is me all day and part of the night with the kids. It is also my niece’s 16th birthday! I cannot believe how old she is and P has been wearing a few of her outfits from when she was a baby.


Wednesday-I have a doctor appointment in the morning after I drop S off at school and then I have to rush back to his school for his Christmas program. That gives me 45 minutes for the doctors. She always runs late so it is going to be tight. After school we don’t have any plans for the rest of the day so I am thinking either I will be able to work on some posts, make Christmas cookies, or go shopping for teacher gifts. I found a great idea on Hip2Save so I am going to do that for both of S’s teachers.

Teacher Christmas Idea

Thursday-S’s cousin L is turning 4 so we are going to go over to B’s aunts to give him his birthday present. S is so excited to get to play with L again. It’s also my sister’s birthday.

Friday-S has school. They have said nothing about doing any kind of Christmas party for his class which surprised me. Since it is a Catholic school I didn’t even question them having a Christmas party. Maybe not celebrating Santa but the birth of Christ instead or something.

Saturday-Right now we don’t have any plans, but I know that will change. If not we can spend the day wrapping presents. S is so excited to help with wrapping presents.

Sunday-It is S and P’s other cousin’s birthday. B is off so I am sure we will end up doing something.

Last Week Recap

I am going to just do a quick recap since it is Tuesday night and as I look at the clock now Wednesday morning. I convinced S to wear jammies to school on Monday for Polar Express day but then never took a picture. Tuesday S got a clean bill of health at the dentist. No cavities and he got a thumbs up for his good brushing efforts. We had a great time taking S and P to Kalahari for his birthday. You can check out Foto Friday for a complete recap of his birthday celebrations. I was able to make S’s cake, B made muffins for S to take to school, and B was able to wrap his presents for us. S had a great time at his birthday party Friday night. He was so happy to tell me he got to be the snack helper at school and then he was the leader of the playroom at his party. He is all about having jobs to do. I told him he could be the dishwasher helper any day. He told me that he didn’t want to do that because it’s not a fun job! Duh!  S did go to the build at Lowe’s on Saturday.

Last Week

Weekly Goals- Get everything ready for S and his birthday…..wrap his presents, make his cake and decorate, and make cookies for him to take to school on Friday.

Monday-S has school. Its Polar Express day and S gets to wear pajamas to school. He asked if he can get dressed when he gets home from school because he doesn’t want to wear jammies all day. Derby has a follow-up doctor appointment, and I have a hair appointment at 3pm.

Tuesday-S has his bi-annual dentist appointment. I am trying to make him like me and love going to the dentist. I think we are going to work on baking his cookies for his birthday treat at school. He hasn’t decided between taking donuts or me making cut-out sugar cookies that look like train engines.

Wednesday-S has school in the morning and then we are heading out to Kalahari for S’s birthday. We gave him the option of having a birthday dinner or breakfast at Kalahari and he wanted a birthday breakfast.

Thursday-S is 5 years old today. We are going to be hanging out at Kalahari in the morning, possibly trying to squeeze in Build-A-Bear, and going to a ceremony to honor the sheriff who saved my dad’s life. We again gave S the option of having his get together birthday party tonight or going to the ceremony. He chose going to the ceremony and asking if we could have the get together the next day.

Friday-S has school and this is his day to celebrate his birthday, so he is taking a treat for all the kids and a book for the classroom (Santa is Coming to Ohio). S is having his birthday celebration tonight. B wants to give all the kids rides on his barrel train and then we are going to have pizza and cake.

Saturday-S has a build at Lowe’s to make a train. If he doesn’t go to this build, we will officially be done with builds for a while. He has not wanted to go to the past three and says he is done with builds. I think it may be he doesn’t want mama to take him anymore and only wants to go with dada. The rest of the day is open right now.

Sunday-So far there are no plans, but with it being so close to Christmas I am sure it will change.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.