Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try and hold myself accountable. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.

This Week

My Weekly Goals: I need to finish a Shutterfly book I have been working on for S. There is a code for a free book good until Wednesday night.

Monday-S has school in the morning and then we are going to my mom’s so S can play with F in the afternoon. He has been telling me he can’t remember what F looks like because he hasn’t seen her in so long. It’s only been two weeks.

Tuesday-I think B and I are going to try to harvest the tomatoes out of the garden. They’re getting a little out of hand. Unfortunately, our raspberry plants got infected again with Spotted Wing Drosophila flies. It’s totally gross they lay their eggs in fresh raspberries so there are worms in them. I’m not going to post a picture because it really is gross, but there is one under the Gardening tab or you can click here.

Wednesday-S has school in the morning, today is my birthday, and B is off. Not sure if anything else is going to happen today. I think we are just hanging out at home. S and I will have to make a cake for sure.

Thursday-The farmer’s market is today, and S has soccer practice in the evening.

Friday-S has school in the morning, and the rest of the day we are hanging out at home. While S is in school I think my mom and I are going to try to do some of the architectural scavenger hunt the historical society does.

Saturday-S has a build at Lowe’s, and I think the rest of the day we are hanging out at home.

Sunday-No plans as of yet.

Last Week Recap

I did kind of good on accomplishing my goals for last week. I went through more of the clothes for P but have not finished yet, and got about ½ peck of pears made into baby food. It was a pretty quiet week. Sunday and Monday we hung out at home. Tuesday we were home, Wednesday S had school, Thursday we were home, and Friday we hung out at home. It was pretty hot at the end of the week so we spent quite a bit of time inside playing with Playdoh and playing games. Saturday S had his first soccer practice and loved it.

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Last Week

My Weekly Goals: This week I would love to be able to go through the 3-6 months clothes and get them out for P. She is just now starting to get too big for a few of her 0-3 month clothes. B and I got a bushel of pears this past week at the farmer’s market from my favorite Haslinger’s Orchard. So I have a lot of pears to peel and turn into baby food.

It looks like it is going to be a fairly quiet week for us. The only real thing that we have to do this week is take S to school on Wednesday and Friday.

Monday-I am going to work on the pears and see how much of them I can get done.

Tuesday-We have no plans but to hang out at home.

Wednesday-S has school in the morning. The rest of the day we have no plans but to hang out at home.

Thursday-If the weather cooperates we will go to the farmer’s market in the afternoon and just hang out at home the rest of the day.

Friday-S has school in the morning. B has to go to work so we will hang out at home until he lives.

Saturday-S has a build at Home Depot in the morning and we will hang out with B before he goes to work.

Sunday-So far another quiet day at home.


  • OMG I had to go and look at the bugs. That is just gross. Is there anything you can do to help prevent them? I did so bad with my planting this year. We normally just do a couple pots and a hanging plant but once the strawberries were over (only kindof since they are still producing which is weird LOL) I never changed it out to tomatoes or anything. Maybe I’ll look and do a couple fall things here soon.

    Happy early birthday. I hope you have a great one.

    • Stephanie says:

      As far as the raspberries there is not much you can do. We could spray them with pesticides but the pesticides kill the bees. B and I are both on the same page that we don’t want to kill the bees so we are willing to give up the fall harvest of raspberries. I saw all the strawberries you got this year and that was crazy how much you picked. I wish we had a longer gardening season here like you do in the Carolinas.

Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.