Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also decided to do a quick recap of what we actually did versus what I thought we were going to do.
This Week
Weekly Goal: Get any decorations I want for P’s birthday made, clean the house, make all the desserts for the party, setup for the party, and run to the store to get the food.
Monday-I am debating whether or not to get P’s 1 year pics done. They have a great deal for a free wrap canvas that expires today. I’m just not sure of all the outfits she is going to wear for the pics. S has school and then I think we are going to start working on desserts and decorations for the party.
Tuesday-I am going to make the Oreo bubbles for P’s party. I would also like to get the food decorations done.
Wednesday-S has school and while he is in school I am going to run to Sam’s to get some of the food. In the afternoon I am going to have S help me make the Marshmallow fish treats.
Thursday-I am going to try to make P a banana cake for her birthday. I will bake it today and then decorate it tomorrow. I am also going to make all the cupcakes today.
Friday-S has school. One of the mom’s told me they have a dinosaur parade today (It would be nice if his teacher told us!). When S gets home from school it will be decorating P’s cake and the cupcakes. Once that is done the backyard needs set up, clean up what we can in the house, B has to clean the garage, and finish up anything else for her birthday. If we manage to get all of that done by 5pm it is Zoo Pal night. I love going to this because it is so unusual to go to the zoo in the evening and the animals are always active trying to figure out why people are there.
Saturday-S is skipping his soccer game because of P’s birthday. We are having P’s birthday party in the early afternoon. I scheduled it between her morning and afternoon nap. I assume the rest of the day we will spend recovering from the party. (I am glad I only throw a big party for their first birthday, no way could I do this every year.)
Sunday-If we are up for it we will go to Build A Bear for P’s first birthday. We have done it every year for S on his birthday. Last year S picked out a stuffed animal for P when she was born so we are going to keep it up with P. I figured they will each do it till there 5th birthday. When they turn 6 they can decide if they want to keep doing it or stop.
Last Week Recap
Weekly Goal while I didn’t finish the banner I did get it started.
Monday S had school and we hung out at home. Tuesday was another day of staying home.
Wednesday S had school, and then we just hung out at home the rest of the day.
Thursday we hung out at home. In the afternoon, we played outside. L came over and played with S. Those boys love to be together (Can I say that enough?). Baby A came over to play and the three of them played together so nice. After B got home we went to the first farmer’s market of the year. While there weren’t any fruits or veggies there were a ton of flowers and garden plants. S got his popcorn and we checked out where all the vendors moved too this year.
Friday S did not have school so we hung out at home. It was really warm outside so we hung out in the house with all the windows open and then after P’s nap we went outside. S played in his sandbox, and P played with water. When B got home from work we went out to his cousins to grill out and the boys got to play together until it was so dark out we couldn’t even see them on the beach anymore. They had a great time together; unfortunately we had meltdowns from P and S when we got home.
Saturday S got up super early (so much for sleeping in because he went to bed so late). We hung out at home while B went to my sister’s to help her move. S had an afternoon soccer game. He was so close to scoring a goal. It hit the side post and instead of going in it went out. Half an inch and it would have been a clean shot in, although half-inch the other way and he would have missed entirely. We went home and P took her nap. After she got up we went outside for about an hour before we went back to B’s cousins again for their daughter’s birthday. Again S and L played out on the beach until we left. Dinner? Forget dinner they were too busy playing together. They have seen each other so much this week and they still hugged each other when we got there.
Sunday was Mother’s Day. If I don’t update this it’s because I wrote this on Saturday night and never got back to it to update.
Last Week
Weekly Goal-I am going to try once again to work on making P’s birthday banner.
Monday-S has school and we are hanging out at home the rest of the time enjoying the nice weather.
Tuesday-B has to pick up the Strike Relief fund check at the union hall. My sister got Mud Hens tickets so S and I are going to the game with her. I am going to try to leave P at home with B if he is home from work. If not P is going to tag along and watch the game with us.
Wednesday-S has school. They are having movie day so S has to wear pajamas to school. He is not sure if he wants to or not yet. I bet he does in the end. The rest of the day we are hanging out at home.
Thursday-We are hanging out at home.
Friday-S does not have school today. We don’t have any plans as of yet and are just hanging out at home.
Saturday-S has a build in the morning at Lowe’s and then a soccer game. B is getting a few buddies from work and they are going to move my sister. Really they are putting everything in PODS, but they still have to empty the house.
Sunday-Today is Mother’s Day. B is going to finish up moving my sister and then I am not sure what else we are going to do.