Wild Wednesday

  Wild Wednesday is about all the crazy or unbelievable things that have happened in the last week to me, in the news, pop culture, etc. Since last Wednesday here is what has happened: I took Baby A to Target yesterday for the first time by myself.  He definitely is not the shopper S was, and I had to use … Continue Reading….

Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesdays is basically my complaint day to complain about all of the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. I have been so tired I would say the last 5 days.  I have been going to bed before 1 am, S gets up between 7-8 am, and I get … Continue Reading….

Manic Monday

I am trying a new link-up,  with Sami’s Shenanigans so let me know if you are visiting from the link-up so I know if I should keep it up! Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans.  I … Continue Reading….

Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is my show and tell of pictures from the last week. It has been unseasonably warm this week and S took every opportunity to swim he could.  In this pic, he was swimming in the rain.  Since he was already wet, what was the point of getting out for a little sprinkle? S is extremely clingy on … Continue Reading….

Friday’s Letters

I linked up with Ashley over at TheSweetSeasonBlog.com for Friday’s Letters. Enjoy my Friday’s Letters. Dear S, I think it’s funny we went to Kohl’s last night to get B a new pair of tennis shoes and somehow you were the only one who got anything, 4 pairs of shoes, 2 tank tops, and one t-shirt.  You would have got … Continue Reading….

Thursday Treats

Thursday Treats is about all of the best things I have had happened in the past week as far as good things, good foods, awesome finds at stores, great TV shows, etc. Yesterday we took S to get his Halloween pictures at JCPenney’s.  I made sure I found all the tools, a tool bag, tool belt and tool box for … Continue Reading….

So What Wednesday

  Today I am linking up with Life After I Dew for So What Wednesday Today I am saying so what if…. It is going to be 95° outside today and we are doing S’s Halloween pictures.  He is wearing pants and a long-sleeve shirt (handyman). I read and see about all of these people who are losing weight and … Continue Reading….

Manic Monday

  I am trying a new link-up this week,  with Sami’s Shenanigans so let me know if you are visiting from the link-up so I know if I should keep it up!   Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week.  Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not … Continue Reading….

Third Times the Charm for the Binkies!

We have been trying to have S get rid of his binkies since he turned 3.  This week he will be 3 and ¾ years old if you want to be technical.  He just was not ready, but we were able to decrease the amount he used them.  We had it down to he could only have a binky in … Continue Reading….

Silly Saturday

Silly Saturday is going to be dedicated to my pets. Since my son, S, was born three years ago my pets were my babies. Now they have taken a back burner in life. I will discuss all of the funny, gross, weird, etc. things that have happened in the last week with the pets. Right now I only have three … Continue Reading….

Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.