Wild Wednesday

Wild Wednesday is about all the crazy or unbelievable things that have happened in the last week to me, in the news, pop culture, etc. Since last Wednesday here is what has happened: The weather seems to finally have broken. We have made it outside two days in a row. S has been all about playing on his crazy cart … Continue Reading….

Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics from the past week.  So I took very few pics this week.  I am not sure why.  It has been a blur. After we left S at his cousins Friday, P managed to cry the whole way home (about 15 minutes).  When I got her home and out of her … Continue Reading….

Thursday Treats

Thursday Treats is all about the best things I have had happen in the past week as far as good things, good foods, awesome finds at stores, great TV shows, etc. Somehow Kohl’s messed up and when they sent out there new ad I got a 30% coupon. Woohoo, although I can’t use it. They also sent me 4 $5 … Continue Reading….

Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics from the past week. I finally busted out some pots and pans (plastic containers and metal pie pans) for P to play with in the kitchen.  She really liked it and those have been her go to toys when she is in the kitchen. P didn’t seem like she could … Continue Reading….

Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also … Continue Reading….

Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of pics from the past week! I love when S tries to wink.  When he got home from school he was all excited because some of the kids recognized his shirt as being Minecraft.  Who would have thought that would be the highlight of his day at school? Yup, she is 9 … Continue Reading….

Troubled Tuesday

Troubled Tuesdays is basically my complaint day to complain about all the troubles I have, which could range from what is happening on TV shows to who knows what. I do love the snow in the winter, but could totally do without the below zero weather. I mean seriously, -14° on Thursday night. That is beyond crazy. Please tell me … Continue Reading….

Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also … Continue Reading….

Foto Friday

Foto (Photo) Friday is a show and tell of the pics from the past week. After our trip to Ikea on Friday this is what S’s art supplies now look like.  I am so glad I have seen others do this with the Raskog cart.  I love it even more that it was only $29.99.  $20 off the original price. … Continue Reading….

Manic Monday

Manic Mondays are when I let you know what plans I have for the week. Some weeks I may be very busy where other weeks there may not be any plans. Since I now have two little ones to take care of I am going to post weekly goals for myself to try to hold myself accountable. I have also … Continue Reading….

Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.