As Seen On TV Silicone Egg Boil Review

Disclaimer:  I received this product for free or highly discounted in exchange for an honest review.  All thoughts and opinions expressed are mine.

I have seen infomercial on TV about this and thought it would be fun to try.  In the infomercial it shows you can make hard boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, or omelets in the silicone egg molds.  When I saw you could make all of that I was excited to see if it really worked.  I asked B to help me partake in this experiment.  He actually did all of it and I just took the pictures.  We tried to make eggs four different ways.  Here are the results.

Hard Boiled Egg

B cracked an egg right into the silicone egg cup.  He let it cook in boiling water for 13 minutes.  Thank goodness before he actually cracked the egg into the cup he read the instructions online (there were not any in the box) to know that the egg cups had to be greased before you could cook in them.  After 13 minutes the egg was still not fully hard boiled, more of a soft boil.  B would not eat it because he only likes eggs that are fully cooked.  It looked cooked until we cut it in half.

Scrambled Eggs

I thought this would be awesome to make especially if I could speed the time and process up with less clean up.  I thought you could microwave the silicone egg cups but you can’t, you can only boil them.  To make a scrambled egg in the egg cup it has to cook for 12-14 minutes.  That is over twice as long as it takes to cook an egg in a pan.  I end up dirtying more dishes if I boil the egg.  B greased the cup, scrambled the egg and then put it in the silicone egg so that it could cook.  He cooked the egg for 13 minutes.  It was fully cooked but I could not get past the look of it.  B said they were sponge-like and flavorless.

Cheese Omelet

B cooked the omelet the same as the scrambled egg.  The only difference was that he added cheese to this.  When he popped the omelet out of the egg cup it looked weirder than the scrambled egg.  It had crevasses running throughout it.  When we cut the cheese omelet in half it looked like the egg had cooked before the cheese got a chance to melt.  On the outside of the omelet I could see the spaces where the cheese was before it melted.  It was not very appetizing to look at.

Ham and Cheese Omelet

Again this was cooked the same as the cheese omelet and scrambled eggs.  It also had the crevasses from where the cheese melted.  It also did not look very appealing to eat.  B tried a bite of this and had the same reaction as the scrambled eggs.  He said it had flavor because of the cheese and ham but he would not choose to have a second bite.

Over all I would say the silicone eggs were an epic fail when it came to making any type of egg.  The hard-boiled egg would be the closest to okay but the shape of the egg would never work for deviled eggs.  The silicone egg molds did wash up nicely in the dishwasher and left no greasy residue from being greased.  I do not plan on using these again.

The As Seen On TV Silicone Egg Boil is $18.99 on  Click here to order As Seen On TV Silicone Egg Boil.

I was chosen to review the As Seen On TV Silicone Egg Boil on  Basically how it works is you select items you would like to review and if they chose you, the product is purchased through  If you have a Prime Account with Amazon shipping is free and a coupon code is provided from the company making the product free or highly discounted.  In exchange they are looking for an honest review on their product.

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Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be any great writer. So any mistakes that are made are my fault. Sometimes I mix up names B, S, and P, but I think you can figure out who I am talking about. If you find any grammatical errors just fix it in your mind so it sounds right.